Liebe Freunde klangvoller Musik,
ich danke hiermit allen, die sich in diesem Gästebuch mit so schönen Worten bei mir für meine Arbeit bedanken.
Was ich tue, tue ich mit Freuden für uns alle und für die Musik!
Berkant Haydin
Webmaster www.joseph-marx.orgDear friends of euphonic music,
I wish to thank all those who express their thankfulness with such heartfelt words in this guestbook.
Please rest assured that I do this with pleasure, and I do it for all of us and for the music!
Berkant Haydin
neubauer-online(AT) aus/from Bamberg schrieb/wrote (18/10/2019):
w.mayer(AT) aus/from Salzburg schrieb/wrote (07/08/2019):
jjakiefte(AT) aus/from Tegelen, Niederlande schrieb/wrote (04/03/2019):
Jemand / Someone aus/from Offenbach schrieb/wrote (06/07/2016):
JHolder(AT) aus/from Lindenwood/Washington Universities schrieb/wrote (23/09/2015):
I have studied music and played the piano for 40 years and until now have not appreciated this giant of impressionistic and romance compositions. His works transcend our physical senses and soar like a spirit on wings. I am particularly interested in obtaining a text for piano of his "Old Vienna Seranades-Allegro Movement."Many thanks for publishing this site, et. al.
Judd Holder
Chesterfield, MO
Big Harry, bigharrypelotas(AT) aus/from Bevery Hills, California, USA schrieb/wrote (29/10/2014):
Thank you so very much for this website on Euphonic music.I love it.
Muchos Gracias, Amigos.
Thank means thank you very much friend.
Heinz aus/from Wien schrieb/wrote (30/01/2014):
Stefan aus/from Graz schrieb/wrote (21/09/2013):
Stefan aus/from Graz schrieb/wrote (21/09/2013):
jjakiefte(AT) aus/from Tegelen, Niederlande schrieb/wrote (11/07/2013):
Juan Monte, monte-martinez(AT) aus/from Madrid, Spain schrieb/wrote (18/05/2013):
Jemand / Someone aus/from A-8043-Graz, Mariatrosterstr.113/14 schrieb/wrote (03/05/2013):
Joerg.frank(AT) aus/from Trusseroed/schweden schrieb/wrote (30/08/2011):
Ich hoere das romantische klavierkonzert an und habe auf dem iPad iver wundersame reise verfolgt. Ein sank aren gruss
Joerg frank
Heiner aus/from <a href=\"\">DT Swiss</a><br /> schrieb/wrote (28/06/2011):
Ralph Lake aus/from North Carolina USA schrieb/wrote (11/06/2011):
Thank you for your fascinating website.
harapalini(AT) aus/from Buenos Aires, Argentina schrieb/wrote (31/08/2010):
Dear Sir: Thank you very much for your dedication in making this wonderfull musician more known all over the world! Your site is amazing ! I love his music since I listen for the first time his piano concerto !!Horacio Rapalini
timo.portland(AT) aus/from Berlin schrieb/wrote (19/07/2010):
spiderbooster(AT) aus/from Feuerthalen schrieb/wrote (08/07/2010):
gael.meriglier(AT) aus/from rennes, france schrieb/wrote (04/06/2010):
Congratulations for this site !Marx ' s music is almost never performed in my country , but it has to change...
He wrote masterpieces but , like everyone , I' d like to hear his "Herbstsymphonie " on concert or disc : what can we do in order to make this possible ?
A french musician .
Markus aus/from Bochum schrieb/wrote (02/02/2010):
Professor aus/from Fernuni Hamburg schrieb/wrote (17/03/2009):
c.stuhlhoferm(AT) aus/from 8062 Kumberg schrieb/wrote (08/01/2009):
vernonchik(AT) aus/from Memphis, Tennessee USA schrieb/wrote (25/07/2008):
dannyjazz92(AT) schrieb/wrote (21/06/2008):
Emy D. Riven schrieb/wrote (07/06/2008):
Jemand / Someone aus/from 44869 Bochum schrieb/wrote (10/04/2008):
chrpittner(AT) aus/from Rechbauerstr.15 schrieb/wrote (20/03/2008):
i bin total froh...i wohn inder Rechbauerstr.15 und bin total stolz darauf
barbara_goetsch(AT) schrieb/wrote (25/02/2008):
Caspar Wintermans casparwinter(AT) aus/from The Hague, The Netherlands schrieb/wrote (21/01/2008):
Congratulations on your wonderful website. It is to be hoped that we shall be able to obtain much more of Joseph Marx's wonderful works on CD soon--especially the Autumn Symphony!Keep up the good work.
Caspar Wintermans
lcmayer(AT) aus/from guernsey schrieb/wrote (04/06/2007):
My Austrian husband is a relative of Joseph Marx, met him when he was a young boy, through his mother though not close.Have you any books I might be able to buy showing his family tree.I am after 50 years starting to play myself again, hense the interest.
Thankyou Linda Mayer
Thomas Gregg <TGregg(AT)> aus/from Boston, Massachusetts, USA schrieb/wrote (20/12/2006):
Thank you for a wonderful web site. As a tenor and voice professor, I have sung and taught the Lieder of Joseph Marx for many years, and enjoy them very much.
charles.boegli(AT) aus/from Blanchester. OH, USA schrieb/wrote (08/09/2006):
Hello again, Berkant, and thanks for presenting your philosophy. I never stopped enjoying the personal contact we had last year -- although I know you are very busy, I still want to send you my best personal regards, together with many compliments about the trmendous work you are doing.
bookshop(AT) aus/from Oxford, UK schrieb/wrote (21/08/2006):
I'm trying to get hold of a copy of the score for Six Piano Pieces for a customer of mine. Can you help?Kind regards,
Joe Nahmad
QI Bookshop
Elza aus/from Arabia schrieb/wrote (21/08/2006):
A fantastic site, and brilliant effort. A great piece of work.
daoust_julie(AT) schrieb/wrote (01/08/2006):
Bill aus/from SG schrieb/wrote (01/08/2006):
Greetings to all!:) I wish to establish same guestbook. What should I make for this purpose? It works without mistakes?
Martin Gaspar aus/from Graz-St. Leonhard schrieb/wrote (15/06/2006):
Jemand / Someone schrieb/wrote (09/05/2006):
Koshfko schrieb/wrote (08/05/2006):
Super site! I like it! Thanks!
Jemand / Someone schrieb/wrote (30/04/2006):
Dear Stefan & Berkant, I would like to tell you about my thoughts about the "Berghymne". What beautiful piece! It is very impressing and I think the compositional style of J. Marx is equally interesting, because of his clarity of ideas. A magnificent chorale work, timeless. After hear this composer we feel we are in the presence of a true powerful mind, which deserves our respect.
JARED ARMSTRONG armstrong_jared(AT) aus/from CROWBOROUGH UK schrieb/wrote (28/04/2006):
Dear Berkant, Last week, I was as usual engaged in David Bach research and wondering how/why "Herbstsinfonie" turned up in the Birthday Festschrift. So I thought I would look up the site to find if there was anything new. What a marvellous site it is now - the result of so much hard work and inspiration - would that all sites were like yours! I did not find the answer to my query, but that did not matter, because I learned so much more about this wonderful composer. A score by Julius TOLDI, which was performed in 1925 at one of Bach's concerts, has turned up - "Wanderszizzen" - 9 Variations on a Rumanian Folk Song. Starting with a single oboe, it ends up with a huge 'Gurrelieder' scoring and we are engaged in copying it on to a synthesiser, to see if it is worth resurrecting. We know about his life post 1933 in USA - hardly anything about his Vienna days, so like you with Herbstsinfonie, I am making lots of phone calls! Many thanks for your past support. Best wishes, Jared
jwood(AT) aus/from Lake Charles, Louisiana schrieb/wrote (12/04/2006):
What a wonderful website! What an astounding amount of important information, more than I can absorb at one time, so I have bookmarked it to return to, as I know I will, many times. I love Marx's music and have the 4 ASV recordings. I was sorry to see that their other Marx projects have been cancelled. But I was thrilled to hear your orchestrations of "The New Year's Hymn" and "The Mountain Hymn." What wonderful music!!!! I wish you could get someone to record them, though I would be delighted to buy your synthesized versions were they on a CD. Such glorious music!! Thank you for your labor on behalf of this great composer. I am 60 years old and have been listening seriously to music since I was a young boy, but it is only within the past few months I have heard of Joseph Marx and heard his music. I am very happy that I finally have. It obviously has much to do with your efforts. Many, many thanks,John Wood
l.schrage(AT) aus/from Wien schrieb/wrote (11/04/2006):
Jemand / Someone schrieb/wrote (13/03/2006):
went(AT) aus/from Graz schrieb/wrote (14/02/2006):
Dr.Hafner aus/from Wien schrieb/wrote (12/02/2006):
James Piston aus/from UK schrieb/wrote (25/11/2005):
Wonderful website! I bought all Marx CDs released by the label ASV. His piano concerti and the symphonic poems are just gorgeous. What about his choral works? Autumn Chorus to Pan, A New Year's Hymn, Mountain Hymn, Morning Chant, these titles of choral works sound promising. Will this music be available in 2006? ASV, CPO and other labels recorded a lot of choral-orchestral music by Austrians and other European composers, but why not Marx yet? I'll certainly visit your page again. Great work! Thank you, friend.Best regards,
Berkant Haydin, webmaster aus/from schrieb/wrote (21/10/2005):
Florian aus/from Grambach schrieb/wrote (21/10/2005):
Stoun aus/from USA schrieb/wrote (17/10/2005):
Thank you for your website. I really enjoy it, congratulations for your hard work.
roberthullotkentor(AT) aus/from New York, New York schrieb/wrote (15/10/2005):
I'm trying to sort something out. Did Joseph Marx also play the oboe? And is there any chance that he was in New York City in 1940? I assume the answer to both questions is 'no'. But then, does anyone know of a Joseph Marx who fits my description? thank you.
Parthina aus/from USA schrieb/wrote (14/10/2005):
I am impressed with this page...setup really nice. Doesn't take forever to load pics, like mine... Very impressive..
Johan aus/from Holland schrieb/wrote (29/09/2005):
Beautiful site.I definitely will return again.
emmagrimaldi(AT) schrieb/wrote (24/09/2005):
Artem aus/from United States schrieb/wrote (23/09/2005):
My congritulations! Best design!
Sonja aus/from Argentina schrieb/wrote (21/09/2005):
What a nice site! , you have been working very hard!
Endersatlampard(AT) aus/from London schrieb/wrote (08/09/2005):
I have over threehundred recordings of different piano concertos in my collection and have to say the Marx concertos on ASV are among the most enjoyable. Thankyou.Giles Enders.
utkukolkoparan_(AT) schrieb/wrote (13/07/2005):
Dr. Karl Svozil, svozil(AT) aus/from Vienna, Austria schrieb/wrote (10/07/2005):
Yesterday I met an old high school teacher, painter and friend, Hans Frank, who was a student of Marx in Vienna. He told me that he is saddened by the idea that so few of Marx's beautiful music has been published ... indeed nothing, he thought.Actually, I never have heard a single piece of Marx, although I love Mahler, Schreker & Korngold and the romantic Schoenberg, until I came across the four CD's which were recently released. I listened to the sound clips and immediately ordered all of them ... desperately waiting for these CD's. I am sure that Hans Frank will be very happy to be able to finally listen to this great music.
One more thing: people should be more determined and self-conscious with regards to beauty. I myself have recently written an article about aestetics and the two extremes: irritating cacophonic white type noise on the one side; and monotony on the other. Art lies inbetween. Hans told me that during a lecture, Joseph Marx was just expressing the same ideas.
I wish you all the best for your future work!
Jemand / Someone schrieb/wrote (05/07/2005):
Webmaster Berkant Haydin aus/from schrieb/wrote (28/06/2005):
Kostja aus/from Erlangen schrieb/wrote (28/06/2005):
claudia.rueggeberg(AT) aus/from 8010 GRAZ schrieb/wrote (04/06/2005):
wendel schrieb/wrote (22/05/2005):
Lieber Herr Haidyn!Ganz schnell, weil gerade von Italien aus gefunden.
Herzlichen Gruss
Marx, Joseph, österr. Komponist, Lehrer u. Musikkritiker (1882-1964). Masch. Bildpostkarte m. eigenh. Unterschrift. Wien, 3. VI. 1946 . 1 S., Qu.-8°. [Bestell-Nr.: 16178]An Josef Wesely: "[…] Sie haben also die böse Zeit auch gut überstanden - ich gratuliere nachträglich! Nun möchte ich aber doch einmal Näheres über Ihr Leben erfahren. Wann haben Sie in Graz studiert? Waren Sie vielleicht zur Zeit dort, wo auch Legat, Schnabl, Wonisch, Treiber und andere lustige Brüder an der Lehrerbildungsanst. studierten? […]". - Joseph Marx erhielt bereits während seiner Gymnasialzeit Unterricht in Geige, Klavier und Komposition, studierte dann an der Univ. Graz Philosophie und Musikwissenschaft. Seit 1910 lebte er als freischaffender Komponist in Graz. 1914 wurde er Prof. der Musiktheorie und Komposition an der Wiener Akademie für Musik, deren Direktor er 1922-25 war. 1924-27 leitete Marx die der Akademie angeschlossene Fachhochschule für Musik. 1947 wurde er Honorarprofessor der Musikwissenschaften an der Univ. Graz, 1949 an der Akademie für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Wien. Zu seinen Schülern zählte u.a. Johann Nepomuk David. Marx war Musikkritiker u.a. der "Wiener Zeitung". Er komponierte im nachromantisch-impressionistischen Stil Orchester- und Kammermusik; sein Liedschaffen stand unter dem Einfluß Hugo Wolfs. [Autographen: Musik, Austriaca: Styriaca, Marx] Gewicht: 350g
Rubrik: Autographen: Musik Preis: 35.00
Gefunden bei: Antiquariat Wolfgang Friebes
Jan Jensen, jdjensen13(AT) aus/from Texas, USA schrieb/wrote (24/04/2005):
I first heard of Marx while living and studying in Vienna in the early 70's. My landlady, Martha Schneider (maternal aunt of film composer Ernest Gold)had met Richard Strauss and Mahler in her youth and also mentioned Marx as a "great composer" who had been dead less than a decade, but whose music wasn't being performed. I've always been curious to hear Marx's music. I'm pleased to have discovered this web site (Gott sei dank!) and wish you all the best in your efforts to stimulate interest in Marx's music!
sjhammer(AT) aus/from 63906 Erlenbach schrieb/wrote (10/04/2005):
robertandrew" aus/from Essex, Engalnd schrieb/wrote (06/03/2005):
Having just listen to the Orchestral Songs (on CD) I am touched by the overwheling beauty and sense of emotion every note unfolds. A truely wonderful experience and I look forward to the further releases planned in the coming months/years. This obviously neglected composer should be in everybody's catalogue along with the other great masters, it's certainly not to be missed by anyone who likes to indulge in the late romantics and these compositions should certainly be given more concert performances From the works I've listened to so far I certainly want to hear more. I could listen to them at any time. A sheer delight.
Neil McKelvie mckelvie(AT) aus/from New York schrieb/wrote (03/03/2005):
I am a Chemistry Professor, but I studied piano seriously, to concert level. I discovered Marx's music last year, and would like to acquire scores of many of his piano compositions. Your suggestions will be appreciated!With all good wishes; Neil McKelvie (City College of New York)
Susan Carlson scarlson(AT) aus/from Strawberry, AZ USA schrieb/wrote (11/02/2005):
I want to Thank You so very much Berkant for all of your work on behalf of the music of Joseph Marx. I will always be most grateful to you for doing so much to bring this beautiful music to the attention of the world.Sincerest Thanks,
Susan Carlson
Susan Carlson scarlson(AT) aus/from Strawberry, AZ USA schrieb/wrote (09/02/2005):
Joseph Marx's music is for me the epitome of romantic era music. What I find so wonderful about his music is that it contains all the lush, gorgeous, expansive orchestral beauty I have always loved romantic era music for without any of the angst, depression or anxiety I find spoils so much music of this era. I find Marx to be a truly optimistic romantic composer, a very rare thing indeed.
jerry_gordon(AT) aus/from Baylor University schrieb/wrote (27/01/2005):
Are there any new recordings of Joseph Marx Songs? I have most of the ones listed.Vielen Dank!
Dr. Jerry Gordon
Patrick Dennison, patedennison(AT) aus/from Burnsville, MN. USA schrieb/wrote (18/01/2005):
I recently purchased the ASV recording of the Bochum Symphony Orchestra performance of The Natur-Trilogie by Joseph Marx. I am now a huge fan of this composer's music.Thank-you for having such a rich and informative web-site devoted to a composer unknown to me only a few months ago. The music of Joseph Marx needs to reach a larger audience.
I am looking forward to the soon to be recorded "Herbstsymphonie" (again through ASV?)
Much success on the future of your web-site and spreading the good word about Joseph Marx.
Patrick Dennison
Webmaster Berkant Haydin schrieb/wrote (29/09/2004):
K. Nagel aus/from Erlangen schrieb/wrote (29/09/2004):
Wendel, wendel.podium(AT) schrieb/wrote (21/08/2004):
bkimbu(AT) aus/from MA schrieb/wrote (10/06/2004):
Hello, Thanks for this web-site. i am a DMA student in Boston University. I am going to write a dissertation about Marx songs. not just his songs with piano but with obbligato ensemble and piano. You know those pieses. Four songs with Wildgans' poem. i am very excited about these songs. Please keep revise this web. Thank you .
Rico aus/from Berlin schrieb/wrote (02/06/2004):
yodelinda(AT) aus/from HELLO FROM AMERICA schrieb/wrote (18/05/2004):
dontask(AT) aus/from London schrieb/wrote (08/05/2004):
Thanks to everyone involved for a very intresting web sight full of the most intresting information. It told me just what I was looking for and has whetted my appetite for more of Marx's music.Kind regards. Giles Enders.
Dr.Ottfried Hafner aus/from Graz schrieb/wrote (27/04/2004):
AlthaeaTrout(AT) aus/from Spokane, WA 99207 schrieb/wrote (26/04/2004):
A marvelous website. Joseph Marx is indeed fortunate to have you for a fan!
gdrau(AT) aus/from NK-Seelscheid, Germany schrieb/wrote (25/04/2004):
lulucph(AT) aus/from Los Angeles schrieb/wrote (17/03/2004):
Hello Rudolph! Thank you for your website! I am an American soprano who lives in Paris, just spent 2 mos. in Graz for the world premiere of Olga Neuwirth's LOST HIGHWAY. I played the double leading role of Alice/Renee. I am going to do 3 recitals at the Austrian Cultural Center in NYC on June 28, 29 &30 2004 of Austrian romantic composers and of course will include several Marx songs. I would like to send you a copy of my recording of Alban Berg's LULU on the Chandos label. THank you for this great website!
Jemand / Someone aus/from Iffwil/Bern Schweiz schrieb/wrote (18/02/2004):
Wendel, wendel.podium(AT) aus/from karlsruhe schrieb/wrote (15/02/2004):
vincentjparra(AT) schrieb/wrote (29/01/2004):
Hola , soy nieto de Maria Ilse Hammerl de Schiappapietra , y quiero contactarme con mi familia de sangra en austria , vivo en tucuman , argentina .Tener un intercambio de fotos y actividades familiares , para no perder la oportunidad de conocernos, sin otro particular les mando un beso
charles.boegli(AT) aus/from Blanchester, Ohio, USA schrieb/wrote (17/01/2004):
I checked out the link you sent me, Berkant, thanks very much! I hope I'm still here to hear Herbstsynfonie when it appears. Your Web site becomes more magnificent every time I look into it!
Stefan Esser, puetz-esser(AT) aus/from Leverkusen schrieb/wrote (12/01/2004):
Martin Rucker aus/from Bamberg schrieb/wrote (11/01/2004):
Switala U. aus/from Bochum schrieb/wrote (09/01/2004):
Michel Fleury aus/from Paris schrieb/wrote (24/12/2003):
Guido (guidowalter(AT) schrieb/wrote (10/12/2003):
Russell Harris aus/from London schrieb/wrote (03/12/2003):
I discovered a few songs performed by Renee Fleming, discovered your site, and am now ordering more recordings of Marx's compositions. 1,000,000 thanks to you for making this information available.
bernard.~~~~~~~(AT) aus/from Montjoie FRANCE schrieb/wrote (21/11/2003):
Dr. Ackermann (peter.ackermann(AT) aus/from 63791 Karlstein/Main schrieb/wrote (25/10/2003):
Mahash Giru, M.A. aus/from New Delhi, India schrieb/wrote (21/10/2003):
Hello friend,again I visited your wonderful web arrangement about the great composer and artist Joseph Marx. I become more and more impressed by your marrvelous work. Thank you very much. You made my heart very happy and joyful.
Mahash Giru
University of Delhi
homoeo_halsband(AT) aus/from 44797 Bochum schrieb/wrote (12/10/2003):
charles.boegli(AT) aus/from Blanchester, Ohio, USA schrieb/wrote (11/10/2003):
You have one of the most elegant web sites I've ever seen, Berkant, and it just keeps getting better. You're fulfilling my lifelong wish to hear Marx's music and I'm deeply indebted to you for it. Carry on the good work!
jimsemadeni(AT) aus/from Kansas City MO USA schrieb/wrote (08/10/2003):
Hello Berkant, Thanks for letting me know of the updates. I have visited a lot of websites, but yours is one of the most beautifual and gratifying I have ever visited, and I don't say that just because I like you so much. You do a great job and everybody is better off with you and your work bringing all this wonderful info about Joseph Marx. I particularly liked the travelogue, felt as if I had almost had the thrill of being there myself, and thank you for sharing so much. Anyway, keep up the good work! Dein freund, Jim
Bonnie Draina aus/from University of Colorado - Boulder schrieb/wrote (07/09/2003):
Your site is an invaluable resource. I am using it to research program notes for an upcoming recital, and to find repertoire by this wonderful composer for future performances. Thank you!
zoz aus/from mug(AT) schrieb/wrote (06/09/2003):
i like this siteeeeeeeeeeeee
corpczyk(AT) aus/from Chicago,IL ,USA schrieb/wrote (31/08/2003):
I became a fan of Joseph Marx with a live broadcast of the romantic piano concerto. This is a great site! thank you . Bob Krawczyk
MUGU EBIEDE aus/from COTONOU schrieb/wrote (26/08/2003):
mhi.bisanz(AT) aus/from Kaltenleutgeben schrieb/wrote (20/08/2003):
koch.homan(AT) aus/from Tilburg - Niederlande schrieb/wrote (12/08/2003):
Wirklich fantastisch, qualitatif und quantitatif, dieseSchatzkammer an Informationen. Danke viel vielmals.
dr. J.Koch
djmarx(AT) aus/from Dummerston, Vermont, USA schrieb/wrote (11/08/2003):
Is this the same J. Marx who was active as an oboist and music publisher in New York City in the early 60's?
JffryLg(AT) Jeffrey Lague aus/from UK schrieb/wrote (07/08/2003):
I became interested in the music of Marx a number of years ago when the BBC broadcast a performance of his Piano Concerto with Jorge Bolet as soloist. I have recently purchased the CD of the "Nature Trilogy". What beautiful music! I am so glad that there has been a belated re-awakening of interest in composers who, towards the end of their lives were condemned as "old-fashioned Romantics"-Bortkiewicz, Holbrooke, Korngold and of course, Marx to name just a few.I look forward to the issue of further CDs.
Berkant aus/from this website schrieb/wrote (04/08/2003):
No, there are no solo piano or two piano scores of the symphony. I've beenin Vienna last week and checked the archive of the Universal Edition.
Please re-visit my website in a few weeks. You'll then find a new section
named "Photogallery of my trip to Austria in July 2003".
Alan Schweitzer schweitzeralan(AT) aus/from Avon, Ohio USA schrieb/wrote (04/08/2003):
I now have the Nature Trilogy of Marx. Fine work. Is the "Automn Symphony" yet available? If and when it is I shall order it from Amazon. Thanks
harlos(AT) aus/from Denton, Texas USA schrieb/wrote (04/08/2003):
Dear Herr Haydin,Thank you for your incredible efforts to bring attention to this wonderful composer. My interest in Marx was recently renewed when I came across the score to the Suite for cello and piano in F major in a used bookstore. I am a pianist on the faculty of the University of North Texas, and in our music library we have orchestral parts for an arrangement of the Minuet from this suite which was published by Universal. You can find the listing at . I hope to perform the entire suite sometime in the next year or two. I will notify you of any plans.
Meanwhile, I am looking forward to hearing the orchestral music.
Best wishes,
Dr. Steven Harlos
ottfried.hafner(AT) aus/from Graz schrieb/wrote (02/08/2003):
Kathrin Holzer, bigflower(AT) aus/from Grambach schrieb/wrote (27/07/2003):
Scherzer Eduard aus/from A 3400 Weidling schrieb/wrote (12/07/2003):
Angelika Meyer schrieb/wrote (09/07/2003):
bulla(AT) aus/from Graz schrieb/wrote (27/06/2003):
Stefan Esser, puetz-esser(AT) aus/from Leverkusen schrieb/wrote (21/06/2003):
gloricoates(AT) aus/from Munich schrieb/wrote (02/06/2003):
A beautiful that I want to hear the music.
mugu_cliffford(AT) aus/from lome togo schrieb/wrote (23/05/2003):
keep on the deal
Jemand / Someone schrieb/wrote (03/05/2003):
Alan Schweitzer schweitzeralan(AT) aus/from Avon, Ohio schrieb/wrote (30/04/2003):
I came across the name of Joseph Marx in a recent list of relatively unknown works and did a little research. According to the few reviews of his works, in particular, his "Autumn symphony" the style is that of a luxuriant romantic impressionism, a style generally not germane to German style, and I am referring here to apparent impressionist tendencies. According tothe brief review his orchestral works are similar to those of Mahler, yes, understandably, but also the reviewer notes influences of Debussy, Scriabin, and Bax. The last three composers figure among my favorites. If there are hints and similarities of Debussy, Scriabin and Bax in Marx's work, I would very much like to get ahold of his work. Nothing is listed in amazon save a piano sonata which may be quite interesting. I like Bruckner and Mahler but I prefer French, English and Scandinavian music. Any advice? I would most appreciate it.Alan Schweitzer
Mahash Giru aus/from New Delhi, India schrieb/wrote (28/04/2003):
Lieber Freund von Musik,ich schaetze mich gluecklich um gefunden zu haben diese wunderbare Tempel von klangvolle Musik aus dem schoene Oesterreich. Weiter machen bitte.
Ihr Bewunderer
Dr. Mahash Giru, M.A.
Uli Krupp aus/from Trier schrieb/wrote (28/04/2003):
hjb3(AT) aus/from Lexington, Kentucky, U. S. A. schrieb/wrote (27/04/2003):
This is a magnificent website. I'm glad I discovered it.
stoeckl.michael(AT) schrieb/wrote (11/04/2003):
charles.boegli(AT) aus/from Blanchester, Ohio, USA schrieb/wrote (09/04/2003):
Hello, Friend Berkant! You see, I do stop in now and then! I will order the Marx orchestral CD from Amazon as soon as I return from my next visit to (you know whom) two weeks from now. Good work -- I can hardly wait to hear it.
Wolfgang Wendel wendel.podium(AT) aus/from karlsruhe schrieb/wrote (08/04/2003):
Hallo, endlich widmet sich jemand mit Enthusiasmus diesem Unikum!Weiter so, nicht entmutigen lassen!
Wolfgang Wendel
jimsemadeni(AT) schrieb/wrote (07/04/2003):
This is one of the classiest websites I have ever seen. Berkant Haydin must be a computer genius. Sounds like a guy I would like to be acquainted with! :) Just kidding, every addition is great, you do nice work! Reminds of once when Isaw Busoni's grave in Berlin, purely by accident, we went to the graveyard to see Marlene Dietrich's grave and there it was. It was a wonderful experience for me. Take care, Jim
rosemary.moravec/ schrieb/wrote (07/04/2003):
obumnaeme2002(AT) aus/from Nigeria schrieb/wrote (04/04/2003):
I love this page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Frank E. Berglas yak601(AT) aus/from New York City schrieb/wrote (31/03/2003):
I've just listened to the ASV disc of the Marx' Nature Trilogy. Although I think the first and third pieces go on a bit too long, nevertheless I am astonished at Marx's ability to create and impressionistic wash of sound. The lushness and depth of these works is quite remarkable.I also own the Romantisches Klavierkonzert, the disc of Quartets and the Violin Sonata. I eagerly await the next releases. Perhaps ASV has plans to record the Herbstsinfonie?
Thank you for providing a worthwhile and informative website about Joseph Marx.
colin(AT) aus/from St Albans, UK schrieb/wrote (16/03/2003):
I just heard the first five minutes of the 'Symphonische Nachtmusik' from ASV's forthcoming disc on a CD review broadcast.How can this marvellous music have remained unknown for so long!
Thank you for a great website.
Best regards
Colin Healy
Luc DESECK, luc.deseck(AT) aus/from 8500 KORTRIJK - BELGIUM schrieb/wrote (14/03/2003):
Rico aus/from Chemnitz schrieb/wrote (13/03/2003):
udomarxrade(AT) schrieb/wrote (10/02/2003):
Peter Vujica <vujica(AT)> schrieb/wrote (04/02/2003):
tomoko.uchino(AT) aus/from New York schrieb/wrote (10/01/2003):
Hi, there. I am looking for Joseph Marx's piano music. The website says that some pieces are printed by UE which is permanently out of print. Where can I get some copies of them? Can anybody help me get more of his piano music out of Austrian National Library?
johannes.hanstein(AT) schrieb/wrote (27/12/2002):
Carl Smith schrieb/wrote (13/11/2002):
Jim schrieb/wrote (02/10/2002):
I think it is an excellent chapter, you do good work!
Yaara Tal yaaratal(AT) schrieb/wrote (15/08/2002):
Christoph Sch~~~~ aus/from D 44795 Bochum schrieb/wrote (23/07/2002):
Julian Azar, JulianAzar(AT) aus/from Berlin schrieb/wrote (03/07/2002):
Ihre Website ist sehr informativ und weckt mein Interesse an Joseph Marx. Besten Dank und viel Erfolg.
christine mitlehner aus/from berlin schrieb/wrote (23/06/2002):
rob barnett aus/from UK schrieb/wrote (18/06/2002):
Well done, Berkant. You have done a superb job. Your single-minded dedication to Marx's music and your generosity must surely warm and hearten the spirit of Marx. Rob
sufokeet(AT) aus/from Eemnes, the Netherlands. schrieb/wrote (13/06/2002):
Seth Pratt, siji69(AT) aus/from Belfast, Northern Ireland schrieb/wrote (30/05/2002):
Hi,I'm a music student, in my first year at Queen's University in Belfast. I first heard of Marx very recently after hearing about Marc-Andre Hamelin's recording of his Romantic piano concerto. It really is a sumptuous piece of music. I am still in the process of listening to audio samples of his unrecorded works and I like what I hear! This site is great and I wish all the best for it.
Keep up the good work,
Seth Pratt.
Jemand / Someone schrieb/wrote (24/05/2002):
Thanks for the comprehensive informationBest,
Joe Ryder
Donovan, skolpie(AT) aus/from London schrieb/wrote (21/05/2002):
Excellent website! My congratulations!Donovan
Robert Greenspan aus/from Robert.Greenspan(AT) schrieb/wrote (21/05/2002):
I recently heard a recording of some Marx songs, performed by Lyuba Welitsch, which I enjoyed very much.
Mahash Giru aus/from New Delhi schrieb/wrote (01/05/2002):
Guten TagIhre Webseite ist sehr schoen. Vielen Dank fuer die hervorragenden Hinweise zum Komponist J. Marx. Ich werde oefter diese Seite lesen.
Viele Gruesse aus Indien
Dr. Mahash Giru, M.A.
University of Delhi
Roel Groen aus/from Etten-Leur, Die Niederlande schrieb/wrote (07/04/2002):
Dr. Peter Ackermann aus/from D-63791 Karlstein/Main schrieb/wrote (29/03/2002):
moravec-hilmar schrieb/wrote (13/02/2002):
Charles Boegli aus/from Blanchester, Ohio, USA schrieb/wrote (01/02/2002):
Just to let you know I visited your site, as you asked. First class in every way, Berkant -- the added pictures are excellent. I encountered some trouble in listening to streaming sound files but that is probably in my computer. I'll be sending you an e-mail message later today, most likely.
Rico aus/from Chemnitz schrieb/wrote (25/12/2001):
Berkant schrieb/wrote (08/12/2001):
Webmaster schrieb/wrote (08/12/2001):